e-Boats: Emerging Needs, Opportunities and Feasibility

e-Boats: Emerging Needs, Opportunities and Feasibility

Most ship/boat fleets today emit high toxic gases and particulates equivalent to multi-million cars. Due to the need to reduce local pollution of NOx, SOx and particulate matter, many vessel operators have mainly turned to low-sulphur fuels such as methanol and LNG, as well as invested in scrubbers to clean tail-pipe gases before they are released, some have already invested in hybrid and electric power trains. Since the late 2000’, sales of pure electric and hybrid vessels have picked up.

Electric boats will be more important in the near future. Electric boats are not only environmentally friendly also getting more and more economical with various benefits – less requirement for maintenance, reduced fuel cost, reduced motor weight compared to ICE with less vibrations and others.

Although a transition is underway, ultimately there will be a co-existence with today’s propulsion technologies because of high upfront cost, high energy and distance requirements for vessels, lack of charging infrastructure and the slowness of change in the marine industry.

This Webinar will bring experts from multiple domains – Electric Boats OEM, Government stakeholders, Vessel Industry Association to discuss following questions:

  1. What cost economics and challenges with conventional vessel fleet and sub-segments?
  2. What sub-segments has highest potential for electric power train conversion? How e-Boats performing in these sub-segments?
  3. What opportunity areas and new innovations in e-Boats happening globally (including solar powered boats, energy storage etc.)?
  4. What success stories in e-Boats and what learning for further design and cost improvements and wider adoption?
  5. What key ecosystem challenges, including policies remain to be solved to drive higher adoption of e-boats?
  6. What drivers for Country and State Governments to act to support e-Boat pilots and setting time targets for conversion/replacement to electric? What if any means for demand aggregation in this space?

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