View Recording Approximately 40% (2.8 billion people) of the global population still cooks with either wood, dung, coal, or charcoal. Nearly 84% of rural Indian households cook on stoves that use solid or biomass fuels. In India, women spend an…
The average yield for maize, a major staple crop in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa is only 2 tons per hectare compared to 8 tons per hectare in America. Many attribute this low agricultural yield to lack of irrigation. Approximately…
Direct Current (DC) power is the future of our sustainable energy future and global uptake of DC powered devices are on the rise. For instance, in residential buildings in United States of America, DC consumption currently makes up about 32…
Energy efficiency (EE) and energy access (EA) interventions in India have often had disjointed goals and taken separate paths towards achieving those goals. The Government and DISCOMs have focused mainly on expanding and strengthening the grid for meeting universal EA…