Three key comparative findings from Customer Survey Results of Gwalior, Datia & Bhind

This is a comparative view of top level findings developed using the location specific reports of Gwalior, Datia and Bhind available here along with 6 other districts in Madhya Pradesh (MP).

Regional traits like urban/ rural development differentiation are strikingly clear; Customer satisfaction lowest in Bhind

In the overall scheme of things,

    • Bhind district scored a dismal 26.96
    • Gwalior district scored 52.41 &
    • Datia district scored 58.22

Specifically in Datia, the increased score can be attributed to the respondents in the Commercial category who indicated satisfaction on most major factors under consideration especially their comfort with the current Pricing available to them and also their satisfaction with the Power Quality and Reliability.

While, long hours of load shedding (6-10 hours), frequent unplanned outages, poor infrastructure and maintenance and poor customer services in Bhind specifically constitute its low score.

Satisfaction of customers is also relative and consistent to the level of customer’s expectations in different regions.

When asked if they agree that “A lot needs to be done to improve the current systems and make me fully satisfied” comparatively least respondents agreed in Datia (55%) than Gwalior (58%) followed by Bhind (91%) where most respondents agreed they are expecting a lot to be done before they get satisfied with the utility services.

Regions where customer’s believed more needs to be done to make them satisfied scored low on customer satisfaction.

Mixed reactions towards privatization of power distribution through franchisee model in Gwalior, Datia and Bhind
When asked if ““Service levels will improve if a private company manages electricity distribution”
In Gwalior 51% respondents agreed
In Datia 36% respondents agreed
In Bhind 83% respondents agreed

Over 70% of respondents from Commercial Category in both Datia & Gwalior disagreed that privatization would help improve service levels.

Over 80% of respondents in Bhind, both in Residential and Commercial categories, agreed that Privatization will help improve the current situation.

For individual reports on each region, please get in touch with Rahul Bagdia, +91 956 109 4490,

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