Muzaffarpur located at 26°07?N 85°24?E. The district occupies an area of 3173 km. Muzaffarpur lies between the Burhi Gandak River and Furdoo nallah. Muzaffarpur is one of the many gateways to Nepal. Region Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation Muzaffarpur Municipal Corporation No. of Household…

About the Client CEO of an Environment management company with 10 business verticals Client Problem CEO wanted to execute a structured exercise for the company’s long term strategic planning involving 10 business unit heads to align individual business unit goals…

As the operator tries rolling out the services, the foremost task at-hand is creating the base-line for the utility. This, typically, is collated using a consumer survey called consumer indexing (CI). The operator main aim is to collect the information…

The high risks in the complex, unpredictable and highly political process of water sector reforms are unavoidable given the “essential goods” perception of water. However, what the utility operators need to understand is that investing time and money in “strategic…

There has been a huge hue and cry about the unavailability of consumer data with the Indian utilities. However, the question that needs to be asked is that whether we have really made an effort to collect the right data…

Mr. Ajai Nirula, Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Tata Power – Delhi Distribution Limited (TP-DDL) was one of the sessions moderator in recently concluded IUKAN 2013. As a veteran in the Power industry, he shared his inputs on various distribution…

Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. (PGVCL), the largest Power Distribution Utility, compared to other distribution utilities in Gujarat, is serving more than 47 lakhs customers, across 8 districts and 44 divisions. The utility PGVCL has considerable losses (both Aggregate Technical…

One recent success for Distribution Franchisee model in the country was first debt funding to Essel DF project at Nagpur. SBI Caps was involved in Debt Syndication partner role. Rahul Bagdia from pManifold Team recently spoke to Mr. Sudarshan Mohotta,…

While Indian Discoms continue to focus on AT&C loss reduction, which in many cases stands to the order of greater than 60%, and lot of private efforts is getting attracted in, it is clear that this is a massive Energy…

Mr. Ajoy Mehta, MD, MSEDCL, in a recent Business Technology Conclave of IUKAN extended strong support to Power Distribution Franchisee model, for country to build sustainable power utilities. He shared his experience and vision for further strengthening of the Power DF…