Madhya Pradesh (MP) Energy Dept. has taken a bold step with decision to private franchise 9 MP district’s Power Distribution simultaneously. This is unique as there is less than 9 total operational Input based Power Distribution Franchisees (DF) pan India at…

A recent publication from Prayas on ‘Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Program – Urgent need for mid-course correction‘ gave a very good overview of RGGVY program, its features and progress. Some key observations made: Total 1.1 lakhs Rural Franchisees in India (detailed distribution…

Consumer centricity has returned or finding its way into most of the businesses in emerging economy like India. Consumer ‘needs’ and ‘willingness to pay’ for good quality products and services is driving a whole new era of competition. It first…

pManifold as Knowledge Partner to IIES 2011 organized a workshop on ‘Solar PV System – Technology, Risks, Manufacturing, EPC, O&M, Investment’. The workshop brought best Industry experts and participants through out the country. pManifold Indis_Solar PV_IIES_Workshop_report View more presentations from pManifold Topics and brief…

The guidelines for second batch under Phase I of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) were announced recently by Ministry of New and Renewable Eneergy (MNRE) . The excerpts of the guidelines are captured in our previous blog. To give strong impetus in…

MNRE has recently released the list of all grid operating solar PV projects in India (latest updated as on July 2011. See the detailed list here and also below). The Project Developers for these cumulative 45.5MW capacity plants were: Sri…

A comparative view of top level findings is shown here, developed using the location specific reports of Shajapur, Ujjain & Dewas available here along with 6 other districts in Madhya Pradesh (MP). See our earlier blog: Comparative findings in Gwalior, Datia…

This is the summary of results from the top level analysis, developed using the ‘Consolidated Report’ of all the 9 districts in Madhya Pradesh (MP). Across all 9 districts, expectations of customers based on certain factors like Customer Service, Power Quality…

DIRECTIVE The Ministry of Power Govt. of India issued a directives for implementation in the all States of India, after seeking consultation with Ministry of Law and Justice and said that, “Section 42(ii) read with the first and fifth proviso…