This report seeks to provide EforA stakeholders with an understanding of the role and potential of the cold chain in enhancing food security, unlocking sustainability, and tackling climate change. It aims to generate awareness and provide information on the cold…

This report seeks to provide EforA stakeholders with an understanding of the role and potential of the cold chain in enhancing food security, unlocking sustainability, and tackling climate change. It aims to generate awareness and provide information on the cold…

This report seeks to provide EforA stakeholders with an understanding of the role and potential of the cold chain in enhancing food security, unlocking sustainability, and tackling climate change. It aims to generate awareness and provide information on the cold…

This report deep dives into the relevance of hybrid AC-DC energy infrastructure in India with the objective of providing insights into how energy-efficient appliances can be integrated with the electricity grid. While this is an emerging consumer need and market…

This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of permanent magnet motor applications in off- and weak-grid appliance markets. It characterizes the current and future global market for permanent magnet motors, evaluates and segments the potential addressable market for off- and…

The report suggests that e-mobility and renewable energy (RE) can lead to decarbonization and improved access to electricity and transportation, but requires investment, policy measures, and governance structures. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), cross-sectoral cooperation and government support are…

This Green Growth Equity Fund Technical Cooperation Facility (GGEF TCF) supported report undertakes analysis of the overall battery market in India, deep-diving into the relevant policies and regulations; current and estimated segment-wise market sizing; support interventions at central and state…

The 1) National E-Mobility Policy and Market Readiness Framework aims to transform Zimbabwe’s transport sector into a modern, sustainable, forward-looking, and results-driven sector, while contributing to the Government’s Vision 2030 and existing national commitments 2) National e-Mobility Roadmap provides a…

Trucks are crucial for global economic activity and must evolve to address greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. India presents an opportunity for technological advancements in transportation, with zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles gaining traction. This early market outlook report…

To support the transition to ZE-MHDVS in India, CALSTART recently commissioned pManifold to do an industry assessment and roadmap for zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks (ZE-MHDTs) in India. This wide-ranging study included a review of the existing truck manufacturing landscape,…