
Partnerships and Innovative Financing Structure - A Growth Engine for Electric Vehicles in India
Under the ADB project, “India: Demand-Side Energy Efficiency Investment Project”, this knowledge paper captures the success story of ADB-GEF-EESL partnership, and how it has helped India to drive early market development of its e-Mobility landscape. It also highlights how financial structures revolving funds (EERF), and financing mechanisms have scalability to be taken to more countries, states, and cities to grow their e-Mobility deployment.
Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport for Bhutan
The LEDS Surface Transport 2021 has been prepared through review of the existing policies, strategies and other on-going initiatives including a comprehensive review, re-evaluation of the LEDS 2016, and consultation with stakeholders from various relevant agencies. This report outlines - National development goals, policies, and objectives relevant to the transport sector; Business as Usual or Baseline scenario; Opportunities for Low Emission Development; MAC Analysis and Prioritization across Interventions; Institutional structure for Implementation; Sources and Instruments for LEDS Financing.

Training Needs Assessment for Electric Buses in India
Under SMART-SUT project, pManifold supported a GIZ National level study on “Training Needs Assessment (TNA) for Electric Buses in India”. The study focuses on Training Needs Assessment (TNA), related to e-Buses, in PTAs and development of skill upgradation and additional mechanisms. The outcomes of this study are presented in three volumes as stated below:
- Volume I identifies clear training needs in PTAs across e-Bus life cycle functions, various departments, and hierarchies.
- Volume II presents detailed training modules coverage, their delivery mechanisms and national level institutional structure for sustainability and adoption.
- Volume III reviews the existing organisational structure of large State Transport Undertakings (STUs) and city level Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs).
Industry Assessment & Roadmap for Zero-Emission Medium- And Heavy-Duty Trucks in India
To support the transition to ZE-MHDVS in India, CALSTART recently commissioned pManifold to do an industry assessment and roadmap for zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks (ZE-MHDTs) in India. This wide-ranging study included a review of the existing truck manufacturing landscape, truck fleet landscape, a techno-commercial feasibility assessment of ZE-MHDTs based on real-world duty cycles, an assessment of industry readiness for ZE-MHDT manufacturing, and a roadmap for ZE-MHDT deployment.

Early market outlook report - Electrification of medium and heavy-duty trucks in India
The Climate Group
Trucks are crucial for global economic activity and must evolve to address greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. India presents an opportunity for technological advancements in transportation, with zero-emission medium and heavy-duty vehicles gaining traction. This early market outlook report examines the electrification of medium and heavy-duty trucks in India, including use cases for transition and the need for targeted action from corporates and a robust policy environment. The report highlights the vital role of the MHDT sector in decarbonizing freight transport
National Electric Mobility Policy and Market Readiness Framework for Zimbabwe
The 1) National E-Mobility Policy and Market Readiness Framework aims to transform Zimbabwe’s transport sector into a modern, sustainable, forward-looking, and results-driven sector, while contributing to the Government’s Vision 2030 and existing national commitments 2) National e-Mobility Roadmap provides a 10-year roadmap to decarbonize transport and move to electric transport systems, and 3) Market Feasibility Study for Intracity E-buses in Harare proposes an initial pilot project deploying 50 e-Buses in Harare.

Advanced Chemistry Cell Battery Reuse and Recycling Market in India
NITI Aayog
This Green Growth Equity Fund Technical Cooperation Facility (GGEF TCF) supported report undertakes analysis of the overall battery market in India, deep-diving into the relevant policies and regulations; current and estimated segment-wise market sizing; support interventions at central and state level; and the recycling potential of current and evolving battery technologies. Further, it discusses in detail the battery storage supply chain and reviews different battery storage and recycling technologies. It also identifies and elaborates key initiatives that may ease the battery manufacturing and recycling industry
Road Transport Electrification and Renewables: Opportunities for Integration
The report suggests that e-mobility and renewable energy (RE) can lead to decarbonization and improved access to electricity and transportation, but requires investment, policy measures, and governance structures. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), cross-sectoral cooperation and government support are crucial, and barriers such as high investment costs and unreliable power supply must be addressed.

Energy Efficiency & Emerging Markets

The Benefits of Permanent Magnet Motors: Efficiency Opportunities in Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Markets
This report provides the first comprehensive analysis of permanent magnet motor applications in off- and weak-grid appliance markets. It characterizes the current and future global market for permanent magnet motors, evaluates and segments the potential addressable market for off- and weak-grid applications, quantifies permanent magnet motor benefits, and identifies barriers to and drivers for adoption.
Opportunities for Hybrid AC-DC Infrastructure in India
This report deep dives into the relevance of hybrid AC-DC energy infrastructure in India with the objective of providing insights into how energy-efficient appliances can be integrated with the electricity grid. While this is an emerging consumer need and market for the DRE sector, it also ties with the Government of India initiatives and will hopefully lead to innovations and improve market adoption.

Assessment of Cold Chain Market in India
This report seeks to provide EforA stakeholders with an understanding of the role and potential of the cold chain in
enhancing food security, unlocking sustainability, and tackling climate change. It aims to generate awareness and provide information on the cold chain technologies applicable in India across key market segments (fresh fruits & vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish). It also maps the existing ecosystem of cold chain solutions and provides recommendations on how to support the market development of this sector over the next ten years.
Assessment of Cold Chain Market in Kenya
This report seeks to provide EforA stakeholders with an understanding of the role and potential of the cold chain in
enhancing food security, unlocking sustainability, and tackling climate change. It aims to generate awareness and provide information on the cold chain technologies applicable in Kenya across key market segments (fresh fruits & vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish). It also maps the existing ecosystem of cold chain solutions and provides recommendations on how to support the market development of this sector over the next ten years.

Assessment of Cold Chain Market in Nigeria
This report seeks to provide EforA stakeholders with an understanding of the role and potential of the cold chain in
enhancing food security, unlocking sustainability, and tackling climate change. It aims to generate awareness and provide information on the cold chain technologies applicable in Nigeria across key market segments (fresh fruits & vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish). It also maps the existing ecosystem of cold chain solutions and provides recommendations on how to support the market development of this sector over the next ten years.
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The languages only differ in their grammar
A wonderful serenity has taken possession
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I…
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I…
From banking and insurance to wealth management and on securities weet mornings of spring which I A wonderful…
Soft & full grid post style
From banking and insurance to wealth management and on securities
From banking and insurance to wealth management and on securities The inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among…
From banking and insurance to wealth management and on securities The inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among…
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings…
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings…
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings…
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A wonderful serenity has taken possession
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings…
The languages only differ in their grammar
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings…
Li lingues differe solmen in li grammatica
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings…